...I much prefer looking a bit destroyed. To me, that's far more beautiful.
Looking like I stink--dirty, grimy, sweaty, swamp monster with sticks in my hair. Yes.
Looking pissed off, scared, dehydrated, bewildered, drugged, or otherwise mentally compromised.
Showing off my scars, freckles, and frizziness.
MUCH more fun than being asked to make up my face and hair, suck it in,
stick it out, engage the camera with contrived coquettishness.
Looking to render a pretty girl jaded, ugly, tired, or delirious? I'm your man!
This one's quite recent! By the lovely and multitalented Samantha Ylva Beasley, from when I last visited her and James Wigger. I was coming down with a fever when this was taken, actually. 8] |
Deep Exposure, San Jose, 2012. Expired Polaroid. |
R Michael Walker, Orange County, CA, 2010. |
J Andrescavage, Seeecret location in the Bay Area requiring a solid walk-to, CA, 2010. |
Jeff Greer, somewhere green and humid around Washington DC, 2011. I call this the Mowgli-popo-squat. |
Murcko Photography, Port Townshend, NY, 2011. My belly was bleeding from a large scratch because of a pin that had been hiding in that dress. There are also shots from this day of me wearing Crocs with my hair in my mouth and covered in sawdust, but I'm too lazy to dig those up just now--another day. |
Marco Bhimani, Los Angeles, CA, 2010. Reveling in grossness, dirt, and oil. Also, he let me keep that shirt! 8] |
Andrew Kaiser, Sauvie Island, OR, 2012. The swampy, flea-bitten end of a momentous day--these cows all ran up of their own accord and assembled behind me. | | |
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