Monday, October 29, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A day in the life

Daren, East Bay, CA, October 2012
And it's a good, strange life!

So this is a cell phone picture taken during an informal frolic rather than a regimented photo shoot, but it is among my favorite photos ever [that is, out of the photos in which I, myself, am featured].

There's...a helluva lot going on in this snapshot.

Monday, October 22, 2012

omnia transeunt

YouAtHome, South Bay, CA, 2010
Anais Nin: "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

I kissed a banana slug for luck that morning.

Alien Life, South Bay, CA, 20...10?
An oldie but goodie. One of my first shoots.

It was very cold. It was very early.

It's strange keeping this blog up because my life has deviated considerably from the modeling world. I still model--but not as I used to. There's so much ELSE going on in life that I'd been missing--being a traveling model feels like a relentless chase, at times, running through a hamster wheel and all that jazzcrap.

I'm thinking next year I may take a few trips [Northwest, East Coast, possibly elsewhere...maybe the midwest, and I may venture into SoCal again, but someone'll have to bribe me]. But I haven't cemented any plans yet--it's just an idea-seed, at this point.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Classy Lassie

Polaroid, Deep Exposure, San Jose, CA, 20...12?


Recent reading:
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Little Bee by Chris Cleave

No time to read just now, though. First comes life. On the road again.

So I've decided to update this blog twice a week from now on--Mondays and Thursdays [excepting today]. Three times a week will destroy me. So there you have it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

My new insomnia-induced hobby...

Carly Erin O'Neill, Los Angeles, CA, 2012

Coelum quid quaerimus ultra? Harmonia discors, sobria inebrietas, furor poeticus...cosi vivo piacer conduce a morte, sed crudelius est quam mori semper timere mortem. Chao--meus deus, meus rex--tu sola mihi placet.

Sed, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant. Sumus grex agni. Agni dentati.

Ego horro vacui.

Vita contingit, cum eo vivemus! Primum viveri deinde philosophari!

Odi et amo, fieri sentio et excrucior. Quare id facere forasse requiris? Dulce periculum, et Chao curat femina efferus. Variatio delectat--concussus surgo, candid et secure. Pavesco—sed ferendo feres. Bis vincit qui se vincit.

Pavesco, sed melius frangi: si minor plus est ergo nihil sunt omnia. Audaces fortuna adiuvat--tempus alii disputant quapropter res est, effeci.

Ubicumque is, ibi es. Ex me nihilo minus quam: ego femina indomita. Ego virago vinnulus infernae, sub divo.

Sed errantia lumina fallunt. E tenebris lux--ignis divine e Chao--eleison...

...sive non.

[Omnia dicta fortiora, si dicta Latina.]

Friday, October 5, 2012


I've missed a few weeks, I know.

Been traveling without my computer, taking classes and shooting in Grand Teton and Yellowstone.

Behind on modeling stuff. But I'm more, more, more than okay with that.

I've become more selective. You'll see more of me around eventually. 8]

Corpse on Pumpkin, Portland, OR, 2011