Photographer and fellow model CarlyErin O'Neil from when I last visited her and Ted Wulfers in Los Angeles, 2012 |
Continuation of last entry's rant. 8]
3. Keep in mind that traveling models often operate on a tight schedule.
my experience, most models while traveling consider a "three-hour
booking" to mean "the clock starts when I walk in the door, and ends
when I leave" unless otherwise specified in advance. There's pressure,
when traveling, to book as productively as possible--we're far from any
secure home base and we may only be in your city for a couple days,
having paid airfare or spent a lot of time and money on driving.
had photographers leave me in their homes or studios so that they could
go run errands, or who have taken phone calls that weren't urgent...and
then return, assuming that I'm going to stay later to make up for the
loss of shooting time. Unless we're on an extremely flexible schedule
[like I'm crashing at your place and have nowhere to be for the day, and
a way to entertain myself], I'm not. In many cases, I CAN'T, whether or
not I want to, because I have another appointment after yours.
"Three-hour booking" doesn't mean "three hours in front of the
camera"--unless I show up and you instantly whip out your camera. You're
paying for my time--how that time is SPENT is your choice. I show up to
a shoot, ready to be productive for the entirety of the shoot--I don't
get on the Internet or take phone calls.
If you MIGHT need more
time, say so: "Hey, I know we said three hours, but I might need a bit
longer--can I pay you for a three-and-a-half hour booking instead of
four hours?"
If there's a very long commute/hike involved or a lot
of preparation, that's PART of the shoot time you're booking me for. I
may be happy to negotiate my rate to something lower if a large part of
the day will consist of being in a car or going on a nice hike or
sitting around getting dolled up--but I DO need to know in advance how
long the ENTIRE shoot will take [especially for things like make-up--so
that I don't wind up having another shoot scheduled for later that day
with a photographer who wants me to show up with a clean face]. Or maybe
you think it'd be nice to get a meal together before/after the
shoot--that's totally fine, and of course I won't charge you rates to
take me out to lunch, but I STILL need to know about it, in order to see
if my schedule can account for it.
4. Let the model know in advance about tag-alongs
Fairly innocent mistake--and personally I am almost never
bothered by this, because usually the people who come along to a shoot
are really awesome, whether models, photographers, assistants, spouses,
designers, etc.
However, some models are not comfortable with being surprised by
extra company. Think about it: she's a girl, traveling alone, possibly
without her own transportation, meeting you for the first time, and you
drive her to some location and there are a bunch of your people there
and she's alone and now she has to be nude and model effectively while
they all watch.
And I WILL say that I have had a couple of
incidents where a photographer brought a friend whom I really, really,
really wished was not there. Bringing another photographer is fine with
most models, but some models have different conditions or different
rates for shared shoots--and some models just plain don't like it,
period, so clear it with her first. Same goes with bringing another
model--I love meeting other models. I DON'T love showing up to a shoot
where some model is there, and it's assumed that I'll be down to do
erotic work with him/her, even though nobody asked me. Don't assume
And please use good judgment--if you have some buddy who gets
overly excited about the idea of you photographing naked women, do NOT
help a brother out by suggesting to him that he tag along to your next
shoot so he can witness some T&A in person. Especially if he manages
to scare off all the ladies when you two go bar-hopping together. He
may think you're awesome for it, but the model probably won't.
5. Don't touch the model without her permission.
feel like this one should be obvious, but sometimes even the most
well-intentioned photographers breach this without thinking about it.
Some models are fine with you adjusting them, and perhaps even
welcome it. Others absolutely do not want to be touched, which is not
too hard to fathom: you're alone together, likely in a place familiar to
you but foreign to her, she's nude, and she's trusting you, so take
extra caution to respect her boundaries.
It's really, really important to ASK [not TELL--none of this,
"Hey, I'm going to just brush some dirt off your butt, okay?" and then
doing-it-before-she-has-a-chance-to-answer bullshit]. And don't just ask
her once if you can move her foot and assume that her saying "yes" is a
green light for you to later adjust her however/whenever you'd like.
Ask each time.
Try to avoid making adjustments, anyway--if you start offering to
brush her hair off her chest when she can just as easily do it herself,
or to bend her leg when she can just as easily do it herself, it
generally comes off as you trying to come up with excuses to touch her,
whether or not you mean it that way. If she's in a compromised position
[like she's in the PERFECT position except for one tiny thing that she
can't easily adjust on her own, or she's tied up or something], then of
course it's reasonable to politely ask if you can make the adjustment.
But here's another way to think about it--part of working well
with models is in YOU learning how to give good verbal directions to
them. Giving direction is not something that comes naturally to
everyone. How can you cultivate that skill when you're just reaching out
and yoinking things into place, instead of communicating?
I'm hoping these all sound like commonsense ways to handle working with someone for the first time--it's basically all like that. If you are honest, open, and considerate--and respectful of a model's right to say "No" to anything she's not comfortable with--then there should be no problems [at least not on your end--I can't speak for all models, but the ones I've met generally tend to be pretty cool ladies].